rescript Featured How I structure ReScript projects for great success Ever wondered what are some patterns for writing ReScript in large projects? Here's a handful of them from working in a startup with >300,000 lines of ReScript.
by example Featured Making the ReScript type system work for you (Part II) In this part, we will learn how to type simple functions and compound expressions.
rescript Making the ReScript type system work for you (Part I) The first step to getting the type checker to work for you is to understand how it works, what work it can and can't do.
typescript ReScript vs TypeScript: Building a Concurrent Queue library We'll write a mission-critical piece of code in both TypeScript and ReScript and compare the process and results, and find out what TypeScript still holds over ReScript!
deno ReScript on Deno: Command Line Tools and the Flags module We will learn how to bind to the Flags module in Deno's standard library to make it easy and type-safe to pass in arguments to our command-line tools.
deno Featured Exploring ReScript on Deno Since the rebrand of ReScript, it no longer has a blessed way for building and distributing ReScript tools as native applications. In this post, I explore how to use ReScript with Deno, the modern runtime for TypeScript and Javascript.